I am proud to be organizing and performing in an Ottawa Dance Showcase!
I am putting my money where my mouth is and contributing to the creation of dance opportunities in Ottawa. The artists presenting work in this showcase are all active members of the community here in the National Capital Region. Plus, we'll be presenting an improv jam all together (that's where I hit the stage).

Inside Out: Contemporary Dance Showcase
Friday March 9, 8pm
ODD Box (Arts Court, 2 Daly Ave. Ottawa)
Tickets: $20 in advance on Eventbrite / $25 at the door (Cash or Credit Card)
Producers Allison Elizabeth Burns and Chelsea Passmore along with the dancers invite you to this exciting night of contemporary dance featuring local emerging choreographers performing in their own creations.
Allison and Chelsea are Ottawa raised and wished to provide an opportunity for contemporary dance artists here. More platforms for this have been created in Ottawa recently but there is room for more given all the vibrant artists the city holds. This lead us, among others, to self-produce a show. We are thrilled to add to Ottawa dance scene. We would like to thank ODD (Ottawa Dance Directive) and our technical director Fraser MacKinnon.
You will be witness to a collaboration between Melanie Bennet and Sarah Squizzato, four solo works by Geoffrey Dollar, Sarah Hopkin, Jordan Samonas and Chelsea Passmore as well as an improvisational piece including all of the dancers. Geoff's piece, InSight, about the impact of sensory loss was originally presented at the Fresh Meat Theatre Festival. The other pieces are all being performed for the first time and include themes of relationships, feminism, finding comfort in nature when our immediate world feels hopeless and the hyper stimulation of today's world.